Abiodun Osoba
CEO and Founder, The Agile Advisor Africa
Abiodun (Abby) Osoba is an International Business Agility Coach & Trainer for Enterprise Agility Adoption at The Agile Advisor Africa. She believes that being Agile is about a state of heart beyond being about a mere state of mind, and that it is this heart that makes transformation happen and evolve until it becomes an organic interwoven part of a company’s culture, structure and employee default behavior.
When she was first exposed to Agile, she never thought she would hold this premise today. She has spent the last 20 years of her life as a Management Consultant, crossing geographies (Africa, Middle East, US and Canada) and industries such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, entertainment, non-profit, utilities, education, legal, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and of course IT.
Her sweet spot is Business/Organizational Agility, and not just because of her experience in adapting Agile best practices to an organization's ideal state. For Abby, there is nothing greater than starting to see all the “aha” moments happening with teams, executives, and middle management: "It tends to be like a domino effect that had once seemed impossible. When every training class and Agile presentation and side conversation you have had comes to life and makes sense to the customer. Nothing like it ..it beats ice-cream!"
Agile Transformation in Africa and Beyond
Having worked for over 20 years helping companies across geographies (Africa, Middle East, US and Canada) and various industries, this session will inspire you to learn how to overcome the toughest cultural challenges of large-scale agile transformation in distributed companies.